Archive for January, 2024

A musical interlude that matches my mood

Posted in Hearth and Home on January 31st, 2024

Today (31 January 2024) is the second anniversary of my mother’s death. She’d been living with us for over a year and near the end receiving in-home hospice care. Prior to her moving in with us, we lived several states away and had only visited a few times over the years since we’d moved away.  Having her here was a time to reconnect and enjoy getting to know her all over again. She loved mysteries and westerns, since she could no longer read because of vision problems she could watch TV and we saw more of these of these gene moves and episodes than we’d ever watched before.  Not to mention that with the worsening memory issues we watched many of her favorites multiple times a week and spoke about the movie, the episode, and the things she remembered about her life that she was reminded of when watching.

So, today, I’m a bit sad so … The Sound of Silence by one of my favorite groups, Pentatonix: