Finished a sock and saw a few deer…
Today was hot — 98 degrees (107 with heat index). Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. But this evening it was another thunder, lightning, and rain storm. I’m hoping if dries off so we can get some yard work done tomorrow. We were supposed to run errands today but it took 6 hours at the tire place to get a replacement tire and wheel alignment. That blew a day. Paul went alone and I got to stay home and catch up on some of the work I didn’t get done during week because of headaches and missing spoons. Guess what, you can almost see the dining room table again.
But I finished my one of my socks while reading. Did you know if you sit cross-legged and hold the pages open with your big toes, you can read while knitting? Well, you can. So tonight I kitchener stitched the toe and wove in the ends of the sock. I already started the second sock. I really mean to learn to do two socks at once this year but didn’t this time.
The yarn is thicker for warm winter socks. The pattern is my plain vanilla one that’s just from trial and error from making socks using a pattern. I cast on 72 stitches and k2p2 around. Then every 5-6 rows or so I did a cross with the knit stitches. I think if I do this again I’ll stagger the cross and do half off set by 5 rows and see what that looks like. Then a standard heel. I reduced the stitches by a bit when I got to the instep by purling 2 together every other group of purl stitches. Then as I approached the toe area, I did the same again when I hadn’t purled 2 together. Then about an inch from the end I just switched to all knit stitches. All the decreases were at the sides so the toe tappers (rather than every so many stitches for a round toe).
Last night we drove to Virginia for the 1st Friday meeting of WSFA (Washington area Science Fiction Association). Just as we left the driveway and started down the main road, there’s this big field. That’s where we saw these guys…
You can see the ones closest to us. We stopped the car on the edge of the road. I recently got a new camera that’s small enough to carry in my bag and it has a 12x telephoto lens. In the back you can see two other deer that are smaller and in the tall grasses. I love coming up on things like these and we used to always miss them because we didn’t have the camera with us because it was just too big or too awkward to carry. We’d have gotten a better picture, but the battery died in the camera, and in the few seconds it took Paul to fish out the replacement battery he always carries, the deer moved away.
Later on the way home, we saw a fox, two cats, and, I think, a groundhog. We also saw several deer but it was nearly midnight so we didn’t even try for photos we just wanted to get home and sleep.
Getting out to see friends is always nice but getting back home, safe and sound, is even nicer. Hope all of you have a good weekend too.