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A Jane Austen — Interlude-ish thingy

Jane Austen: The Complete Novels bookcoverToday, we did our weekly shopping. Normally, we do the shopping on Saturday so we can hit the the recycle center along the way (you can’t recycle on Sunday around here — big chained gates forbid it). Anyway, shopping means the warehouse grocery store, the regular grocery store, Home Depot or Lowe’s (depending on what the house needs now), and any other errands. But we usually end the day with a stop at Border’s for coffee (me) and hot chocolate (hubby). Sometimes we get a book or two. You’d think since I review books and have huge stacks waiting to be read that I wouldn’t pick up any more. What can I say? Hi, my name is Gayle and I’m a bookaholic (but I have no intention of kicking my habit).

I’ve been on a big Jane Austen kick lately. Partly, because PBS is running The Complete Jane Austen series on Masterpiece Theater. However, they are taking a break so my Sunday nights from 9pm to 11pm are now open until March 23 when Emma will be showing. What to do…what to do? Naturally, I need my Jane Austen fix. It’s been Jane Austen on Sunday nights for weeks now.

I’ve been eyeing Jane Austen: The Complete Novels (Introduction by Karen Joy Fowler) for a while now. So…today…I bought it. It contains: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan. The Introduction by Karen Joy Fowler is 7 pages long and I’ve only read the first 3 so far. As expected from Fowler, it’s witty, thoughtful, erudite, funny, and thought provoking and I’ve still got 4 pages to go. I expect that I’ll be posting reviews of the books as I read them or reread them as the case may be.

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