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After convention let down….

Florida Grapefruite posterOne of the wonderful things about conventions is that you meet so many new people, make some friends, talk with people you haven’t seen for a while, and stay up late and get up early. The problem with conventions is that you get too little sleep, meet lots and lots of people and in the process of talking, shaking hands, and giving hugs of welcome — you all share germs. So after the convention you get what is called “con crud”.

Really, it’s an official term. It’s that run-down achy feeling you get — sometimes with a cough, fever, or cold — after spending time with a bunch of people from areas other than yours. You see people get used to the germs around them where they live. When I worked at a college we all knew that everyone would be sick as soon as all the students came back from vacations because they’d go home get whatever germ/illnesses were being shared around at home and them bring them back to share with roommates, classmates, and the faculty and staff. Conventions do the same thing only on a smaller scale.

So, since I got home Sunday, I’ve been resting and drinking lots of juice. I even love the pictures of citrus fruits. I wonder if just looking at the vitamins in the raw, fruity form can help me feel better. And, I’m the lucky one. Hyperion has a slight fever and a cough and chills. Of course, he’s now sharing the joy at work since he has to be there. Luckily, I work at home — yes, I know I’m lucky. I get to take naps and bundle up in a blanket when I get the chills or get too run down to think straight.

I don’t care there — I still had a great time this past weekend and wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

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