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Arthur C. Clarke — dead at 90, in Sri Lanka

Arthur C. ClarkeYou may have heard by now that Arthur C. Clarke, the author of over 100 books of science and science fiction has died. Once of his best know works is 2001: A Space Odyssey though most people probably know it from the movie rather than the book. I read the book years and years ago but strangely we just watched the DVD a while ago along with 2010: The Year We Make Contact (I love the aero-braking scene).

2001: A Space OdysseyI’m a very visual reader and see the scenes as I read them. So, often I can’t remember if I saw something in a movie or read it. These two movies, 2001 and 2010, were filled with amazing visuals of space. I think it was reading so much SF when I was younger that got me interested in the sciences and space. I’m sure he has influenced many of his readers to learn more about physics, chemistry, space travel, communications, and many other fields.

I’ve never met him at a convention just seen videos and podcasts but I feel in some ways that I’ve lost a friend because he’s had such an influence on my life and my reading.

He’ll be missed.

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