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Monday blues…

Blue RoseWhat better way to celebrate the Monday blues than with a blue rose. Got to thinking about blue roses in a round about way and found science has managed to create a true blue rose. Last year sometime there was a big thing about rainbow colored roses — horribly expensive and they looked more like melted crayons in all the pictures or that scene in What Dreams May Come when the Robin Williams character is in the painted landscape and the colors are being smeared as he walks through.

Today was a cool blue day. Did the minimum on the PC that I had to do. Then I curled up and read all day (with of course a break to make the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner). Finished reading Murder is Binding by Lorna Barrett (the review will be in Gumshoe Review for the April issue). Then I started another mystery, Poison Pen by Sheila Lowe, also for the April issue. It was really nice to just sit with a warm afghan and coffee and read. I think I’m coming down with a cold or something because it was just so hard to move today to start anything — maybe I’m still trying to gather spoons.

I did manage to search some of my stash areas and find a spare bobbin for my Majacraft Rose. Now all I have to find is my Lazy Kate and I can ply my singles and finish the blue yarn I’ve been spinning up. The thing is I’ve been spinning and spinning and I’ve now got 3 bobbins full and there’s just as much wool in the basket as there was when I started. Honest, it sure looks that way anyway. I think it’s breeding in there — the problem is I’m now getting sick of all these shades of blue. However, next I have a lot of white wool that I plan to spin and then dye. Now I’m wondering if I should dye and then spin. What do you think?

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