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Back to normal — mostly…

White & Red coffee cupThe problem with holidays is that they end and then it’s back to the usual day by day stuff. The side effect when you work at home is that the detritus of the holidays is all around you — or not detritus per say but the tree is still up and the wreathes. We’ll be taking most of it down tomorrow or next weekend but it’s stuff I could be doing during my work day. But, yesterday I managed to get a lot done and can actually see most of the floor around my office space now. You see I’m on a mission to organize and straighten the controlled chaos I usually work in, while we try to decide about where to put my office space in the basement or how to finish it off down there.

Meanwhile, I decided to get into the new organizational spirit with a brand spanking new calendar — Mary Engelbreit’s “From the Bottom of My Heart 2008 Calendar. Mary Engelbreit Calendar photo I love her artwork. It reminds me of simpler and more cozy times that never were but should have been. It’s a weekly calendar with room for deadlines and such and can fit (in a pinch) in my carry-all bag for outings.

I also got a new coffee cup. Its white with red lines. I’ve had it a while actually — got it off the super sale table at Starbucks in the fall. I liked the clean lines and the shape and the fact that it reminded me of the old diners in Maine that we used to stop at for coffee on long trips — though I’ll admit their cups were usually the all white clunky ones, but somehow this cup spoke to me of those trips and the clean lines match with my organizing mood.

So, now I’m set to embark on a major clean up of the house and my desk. Of course this may just be a way to avoid work but we’ll soon see.

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