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Catching up…

Long Hallway photo by Bellagio on FlickrThere are days when it seems that no matter how fast I run around or do things that the number of things that still need to be done just keeps growing faster than I can take care of them. It’s like being in one of those nightmare hallways where you need to get to the other end and as you move the hallways just keeps getting longer and longer.

Today, we did our weekly shopping that we didn’t get to yesterday. We checked out a few places for kerosene heaters, only to find there weren’t any for indoor use — our old one won’t light. Even though the temps are now in the high 60’s, it has been down in the 30’s this month so we wanted to be ready for the next dip. Guess we’ll have to work on getting the wood piles rotated and move the ready wood to the holder near the deck.

We also picked up a few Christmas gifts for mothers and did some other “secret”-type getting of stuff.

Back home, I entered all the books that had come in and didn’t get entered into the database because I was preping for the Capclave meeting. Finally got those entered and cleared out lots of emails that were just short notes and didn’t take much work to get rid of.

Now, it’s write up the TODOs for tomorrow and try to get a bit of reading done before bed. At last the day is ending.

Did I mention that someone posted that the convention we were at in California actually had people with the flu and at least one with H1N1 type flu. Hyperion has been ill most of the past week and is only now feeling better and so will be going in to work. I never was as sick as he was, just a bit of stomach problems and a runny nose. Now I hope when we’re over this it means we’re immune to the flu for a while.

It’s a good thought anyway. Well, the coming week will be very busy and morning comes way too early — I mean who invented this morning thing anyway. I prefer days to start when I feel like getting up rather than the day making me get up.

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