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Darn…I’m getting a cold

Insomniac Sheep Art Poster Print by Rob ScottonI hate this — I’ve things to do and all that jazz and I think I’m coming down with a cold. Sore throat and a headache that won’t quit today. I read the same page at least 8 times and the only reason I caught myself was I kept starting to write a note and found I already had one written.

Now that makes for a wasted day. Finally I gave up and watched 50 First Dates — figured if my memory was going down the tubes I might as well watch a movie where someone had a worse memory than I did. I love the scene with the little penguin waiting on the road and she drives right over him…. Can’t imagine what the video would say while she was pregnant — can you?

I knit on my sock a bit today; just a few rows. Ended up pulling it out three times yesterday until I ended up with the right feel to it. It was just way too big the first time. If fit okay but didn’t look right and then I realize I had it on over my thick socks. So, ripped out about 4 inches and decreased and knit it back up. Then looked at it and it had this weird bump after the toe increased and before I decreased. So, out it came again — this time down into the toe increases stopping at the increase that gave me 64 stitches. I knew I’d done it wrong by not going all the way back but I thought I could live with it and I couldn’t. So, now I’m working on getting it up to the heel again. Then I have to decide if I want a short row heel, and after-thought heel, or an upside down heel. I’m thinking after-thought now but I’ve got about 2 inches to go to make up my mind.

Anyway, hoping to get back in step with some sort of schedule soon — yeah, real soon now. Doesn’t that sound like the check is in the mail talk? I’m sick of rain already but we’ve got a few more days of it to go.

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