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Found a new time sink

I got bored the other day and found a new time sink. I needed to finish a sweater I was working on and stuff a bear or two — so I wanted something to watch. But, I didn’t want to go to the TV. YouTube videos are usually short. Someone had told me about earlier and I’d checked it out. So, I thought this is perfect.

Hulu has movies and TV shows for free. The catch is that they have commercials but so does TV so what’s the difference. I have a pretty fast connection so thought I’d give it a try. Mostly, I wanted to check out the TV shows. Our TV is in the basement — the very, very cold basement so we don’t watch it much (actually, we don’t watch it at all during the winter). So, I watched Bones. I’d never seen it so started with season one. Luckily, that was the only season they had other than season four, I think. I’m now thinking I’ll need to put the season boxed sets on my Amazon list. I loved them. I’ve scoped out some more shows that I want to watch so I’ll be coming back to Hulu.

Oh, I did finish the sweater and the stuffing. Photos tomorrow probably.

We’d tried to watch the NetFlix online on my husbands computer but the sound was horrible. NetFlix also requires that you use IE (and I hate IE with a passion). Eventually, after several disastrous listening experiences with NetFlix, we desperately wanted to watch something and found my laptop had better sound. Of course, I had to update IE first but finally, NetFlix’s Watch Now works on my laptop with decent sound. So, guess that will be a secondary time sink when I need to find something for my eyes and ears when my hands are busy.

I’ve tried reading and doing crafts but if it’s not a simple ribbing or stockinette stitch, I can’t read. I need to watch something or I get antsy and nervous feeling like I’m cheating by just doing one thing. In fact, I can’t just sit and watch a movie anyway, I have to do something with my hands so socks are a good small project for movie watching.

Anyway, check out Hulu and see what you think. But you have to have a connection fast enough for streaming video. If you can’t do YouTube, you probably can’t do Hulu either.

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