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Gravel — a dirt road’s best friend…

We live up a dirt road. It’s not bad, it’s hard packed and not too filled with dips and holes. However, the driveway off the dirt road to the house is another matter all together. Part of it is okay but other sections look and act great during sunny and cold — rain is another story.

It’s been raining. Raining a lot. I’m growing gills. The driveway near the carport and the area between the carport and the house is sinking as the rain looses the base. Could it turn into quickmud? I don’t know. Last year we put 6 60-pound bags of gravel into a section of it and it’s been better but not great. Today we bought 8 60-pound bags of gravel and they got sucked into the driveway like dehydrated sponges soak up water. At least after we dumped the gravel and smoothed it with a hoe, you could walk from the carport to the downstairs door without being ankle deep in water. Now we have to see how much of this gravel shows after all the rain — and it’s sinking into the soil.

We’re in the woods and while we have dirt/ground all around it’s porous. We tried to use 8 foot iron rods to help hold up a fence that fell over — the rod pushed in and down and down until barely enough to hold onto was above ground and there was nothing to stop it from sinking. Bit scary when you think about it — so I try not too.

My arms ache from helping with the gravel spreading and all I did was smooth it into the dips — Hyperion did the heavy lifting. Home ownership seems to mean hard work, never ending hard work. I still think the Money Pit was a funny film but I certainly see it from a new perspective now.

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