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Happy New Year…

FireworksWhen a year changes, I find that I’m much more introspective than I am when my birthday comes around. Maybe it’s all the talk about new year resolutions and changes to be made and habits to be dropped. So, when the new year arrives I find myself looking over my shoulder at the past year and trying to see the highs and the lows. I look forward to what I hope to accomplish in the coming year.

I looked at a few blogs earlier this evening and the Yarn Harlot‘s really struck me with her talk of change. Change seems to be the only constant in life. We change every day. I’m not the same me tonight as I was this morning when I got up. I’m certainly not the same me that existed 365 days ago. I’ve changed, grown, learned new things, forgotten other things, gained some skills and hopefully didn’t make the world any worse for my living in it.

I’ve got some resolutions of my own for the coming year. I hope to exercise more — yeah, I did pretty good last year til the fibro kicked in big time. So, I start this year with a clean slate on that front. I’ve got some resolutions about my writing and we’ll see how that works out.

I’ve got some plans to set a schedule for knitting, spinning, writing, and reading that I hope will see me through what is already shaping up to be an interesting year — rather in the sense of that curse “May you live in interesting times.”

I’m chairing a convention in 2010, Capclave. I’m hoping I don’t disappoint the people who gave me this opportunity for living in an interesting year. Check out the website and if you think you’ll be in the area during the convention sign up. It’s always a good time for those who enjoy science fiction and fantasy.

So, I’m looking forward to more changes in my life and hoping that they are always changes for the better. I also hope that all of you have a great new year filled with your own opportunities for positive change.

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