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How to turn a staunch Democrat away from the party…

Bill of Rights PosterWarning: This is going to be a political rant. If you’re Republican, come back tomorrow when I’ve gotten over my snit a bit.

I’ve been a Democrat since I could vote. There was a while when I changed my party to Republican; but that was to vote for the least bad one in the primary, and then still vote Democrat in the elections. At that time I figured that if you could at least get the least evil in a field of evil candidates on the opposition side then if my Democratic candidate lost — things wouldn’t be so bad for four years.

I favored Clinton over Obama, but when he won the race to become the only candidate left — well, okay he wasn’t a bad choice, even though his science and technology votes were definitely not well informed. I’d hoped that when he chose a running mate that he’d pick Clinton and it would be my dream ticket. Yesterday, he announced that he’d picked Biden as a running mate. I spent most of yesterday so upset and angry I couldn’t deal with his pick. I was close to tears most of the day because of the loss I felt — I’d lost hope. I’d lost the dream of my country restored to dignity and justice for all (not just those with money and power).

I’d have been okay if he’d at least picked a Veep who loved America and Americans. I’m not talking about saying the right thing, I’m talking about doing the right things. In the doing department, Biden has proven over and over that he cares more about business and greed, than in America or its people. Check out this article on CNet News about his technology voting over his career.

Biden has consistently voted and supported RIAA’s assault on American’s right to Fair Use of music they lawfully buy and own. He also voted for the Patriot Act (which, in truth, based on what it does is more accurately called the unPatriot Act — I doubt you could find a less patriotic bill if you looked for years). He voted for the war in Iraq (which makes one wonder if Obama truly means to get our soldiers out of there). On the other hand, he did vote against the FISA Bill (which Obama voted for), this bill allows the FBI to spy on American for no other reason that that they want to — no warrants, no oversight, no probable cause. They’ve been caught time and time again abusing powers like this, which is why it was stripped from them in the first place. So why, oh why, would anyone think it was a good idea to authorize them to do it again? But one good does not negate the all the bad, anti-American votes especially when these changes came at a time when Biden planned to run for the Presidency (there’s a reason he dropped out so early — no one wanted him).

I don’t want this man as Vice President. Heck, I don’t want him in the Senate either but I’m not in his state and had no say in that one. To be perfectly frank, Obama’s voting record isn’t stellar either but he didn’t change his tune to run for the office either — at least he’s consistent.

So, now the problem is: do I vote with my heart for the best of my country and go for a third party candidate? There are a couple of really, really good people running — people who seem, based on their lives, actions, and words to be pro-American people. The down side is that with our current system, none of them can win. Or do I vote Democrat again knowing that I’m really voting for “Republican Lite” and a continuation of the dissolution of everything that I have loved and cherished in my country, just because the alternative is even worse? Over the last eight years, I’ve seen America lose its standing as a moral force for good in the world. I’ve seen security theater become more important than actual security. I’ve seen/read/heard about Americans and others disappeared off the streets of America to be imprisoned (if the person is lucky) and to be outsourced for torture if they’re not. I’ve listen to the current President and his head of Justice actually defend torture — a method that will get you information, in fact it will get you any information you want; just tell them what you want said and the victim will say anything to make it stop. This is so unbelievable as behavior in a leader of this country that it often leaves me speechless that we’ve come to such a low point. It still shocks me to my core that the democrats in congress haven’t got the barest sliver of a spine necessary to impeach this man for his crimes against this country.

I’ve watched my country, that stood for years as a haven and supporter of freedom for all, become a country afraid of its own shadow and willing to destroy its Constitution and its Bill of Rights for the illusion of security. I’ve seen the government change from helping and supporting its people, to spying on anyone they please (pretty much anybody that doesn’t believe like they do) just because they can. Worse yet, I’ve seen the people of this country willing to give up freedoms for this same illusion of security. As Benjamin Franklin once said:

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”

He’s right you know, we currently have neither but most of us haven’t bothered to pay attention.

Our country could get back on track. It will take years, maybe decades, to recover from the damage done to her and her people over the last eight years, but it can be done. But to do it we need strong leadership and a leadership that is committed to making the hard decisions and choices that must be made to restore the basic rights guaranteed to the citizens of this country in our founding documents. We need somebody that understands that if you demolish your own foundations, you have nothing left to stand on. I believe that Obama has at least read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Based on his voting record, I’m not so sure about Biden. And, based on its leadership, I know that the current administration either hasn’t or, if they have, they didn’t understand a word of it.

So, how do you turn a staunch Democrat away from the party? You pick a running mate that has proven time and time again that he has no consideration for the people of the country, and would rather give his support over to the businesses who give money to his campaign.

Welcome to America. We have the best government money can buy. Don’t worry about the people, we’ll bring them under control, and then you can do anything you want as long as it’s profitable and puts money into my campaign coffers. Maybe Obama should have checked the voting records of his potential running mates rather than going with someone who was simply reported to have some foreign policy experience. (Hint: Biden voted for the war in Iraq. He doesn’t have any credibility in the foreign policy arena.)

Obama, you not only made a bad choice, you’ve now proven to this voter that I can’t trust you to turn this country around since you’ve chosen as a running mate someone who helped get us in this position in the first place, and whose voting record proves that he has no interest in the citizens of this country.

What really fries my cookies, is that I still have to vote for you because the alternative is even worse. I want a country and a leadership I can be proud. I thought this time I just might get it. Now, I just hope that in four more years, I get my wish. I only hope America hasn’t been completely dismantled by then. When will the Democrats give me a candidate I can vote for? I’m sick of only being allowed to vote against the greater evil, and then having to live with the lesser.

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