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In which we search for a tree topper…

Well, today we had a batch of errands to run. We needed to mail out the books we sold on Amazon, the payments for the bills, and the two boxes to our mothers (1 box each — parity in gift giving reigns in our house). We did the food shopping. Stopped to check out books in Borders and buy coffee (as an aside why do they even have a Maple White Mocha listed when they never have the ingredients to make it…so far I’m 0 for 5). I got a Peppermint Mocha Trio — hubby got the hot chocolate. (Hard to believe I married a guy who can’t stand the taste of coffee…still shaking my head over that one).Peppermint Mocha Trio

I still love book stores. The problem with reviewing is that you often don’t see the book covers until the books come out. So, it’s sort of fun to look at the new releases to see the covers for books you’ve been processing and either reviewing yourself or sending out to the reviewers. Lots of times the advanced reader’s copies do have covers but sometimes it’s not the final cover and most are plain. I love it when the cover comes as a postcard. I pin the artwork that I like up on my bulletin board.

Anyway, after the bookish interlude it was on to find a tree topper. We don’t have one. For the last few years (10), we’ve used an open sort of ornament on the top that then has a spray of stars spilling off it. Each year, we make a search of the stores for a tree topper. This year it was Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, Home Goods, A.C. Moore, Pier 1, Linen & Things (you never know), Bed, Bath and Beyond (same wishful thinking), and Michaels. Once again — no tree topper. I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for so that’s probably why I can’t find it. I know I don’t want an angel or one of those big stars with all the lights. There’s nothing really wrong with them but I just don’t get that joyous feeling when I contemplate it (them) on the top of our tree. I think there may be a star thing out there that I do want but I just haven’t found it. I did see a lot of ball-towers this year for tree toppers (I don’t know what else to call them a tower of gradually decreasing in size ball — some all one color and others multicolored.) So, we go with our stop-gap tree topper for another year.

On the good new side, I’ve got my son’s Christmas sweater mostly done. Got a few more rows to finish off the top and then I need to sew up the underarms. The directions call for the Kitchener stitch to join the underarm together. But I’m starting to wonder if that will make a strong enough seam for what is surely to be a heavily used men’s sweater. I’m thinking 3-needle bind off — any advice on this? The sweater pattern is the Cobblestone Pullover designed by Jared Flood (Interweave Knits, Fall 2007). It’s been a delight to knit. There’s just enough texture to keep it interesting during the waist to underarm section. The short rows for shaping of the yoke and the hidden decreases in the garter stitches is simply elegant design. I hope to finish it sometime this week as soon as I make up my mind about the underarm seam.

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