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Life is getting too interesting lately…

Remember that curse — May you live in interesting times.

Well, I think this is a very, very interesting time. I used to think that if I got organized then everything would just somehow work out. I am so naive. All week I’ve been working on the TODO list I got ready last Sunday for Monday.

Well it had 20 items on it. Monday I managed to get one item done and half of another one. Then it occurred to me that I hadn’t factored in the network going crazy on me or the PC locking up for about half a minute every ten minutes or so — doesn’t sound like much but when you’re trying to get things done and find it locked up on you and you don’t know what it kept and what it missed in the buffer.

Anyway, here it is Thursday and I finally got half the TODO done. Half. Might have gotten farther if I learned to put the steps of each task in so I can cross more things off each day.

What’s better: having a TODO list that breaks the tasks down into all the steps required so you can see that you’re making progress but the list is 5 pages for a day OR just the over-all task so the list fits on one page? What do you do?

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