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One UFO down and many to go…

Upside Down SocksToday I sewed in the ends and finished a pair of UFO socks. These socks were the ones that I found moths had eaten a couple of holes in. I frogged until I got below the eaten holes, clipped out the bad yarn, reattached and started knitting again. I also had a brain storm and decided to do upside down heels — the socks were toe-up but I put in a regular heel making no changes for doing them from bottom up so the thicker bit is under the heel.

The yarn was a variegated in wild orange and blues. But, even as I began the second sock I noticed that the sock looked like I was making it from a different colorway. It’s not. I bought one skein, split it in half so I could have half for one sock and half for the other. It’s all a matter of how the colors pooled. Since I wasn’t using a pattern but knitting on the fly I did notice when I finished that one sock was a bit wider from the ankles up than the other so that might account for the difference in color pools.

Anyway, I’m glad to be done with this pair. I’m wearing them now and they fit pretty well. The bind off doesn’t pull in and it stretches a bit more than usual because every 10th stitch I did an extra knit of the stitch before binding off so give a looser binding. It does fit better.

Oh, and those who read yesterday’s blog. I did watch all the Super Bowl ads online and not one of them is memorable. I remember some of them were really funny as I watched them but right now I only remember that I watched them. So, I guess nothing replaces my all time favorite — EDS’s Herding Cats.

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