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Socks – Honeycomb socks into the frog pond

Honeycomb Socks -- way too bigWell, denial — it’s not just a river in Egypt. Finally, my knitterly denial couldn’t be maintained and I had to admit to myself that the Honeycomb sock is just way, way, too misshapen and big for anyone for any reason. Maybe deep inside, I knew I was only fooling myself since I couldn’t bring myself to start the second sock. It wasn’t SSS (second sock syndrome). No, it was my heart telling my head what it didn’t want to believe — the sock had to go to the frog pond.

I think that’s why I didn’t take a picture with the sock on my foot. I knew it wasn’t going to work so, if I didn’t try it on, I could continue to kid myself. I’ve been knitting long enough to know a mistake when I make one. Why oh why did I continue knitting even when it became hard to ignore the fact of the monstrosity that was staring me in the face. I put it in my project basket and I’ve let it sit — maybe I thought it would miraculously trans-mutate into a sock that resembled the photo on the pattern.

So, now it’s back to its yarny state and I’ll find another project for the yarn. The sock I’ll try again with a more fitting yarn for this pattern.

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