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Some stray thoughts…

It was a beautiful day in our neighborhood today — engines being revved as someone worked on it, the birds in the trees, and some strange cracking and breaking of branches in the woods.  We had to get up early for an appointment, but then spent most of the day on the deck with the cat, just enjoying the chance to be outdoors while it wasn’t hot enough to melt one’s body or cold enough to freeze.

But listening to the sounds of nature, I realized that woodpeckers and sewing machines have the same sort of sound.  A rapid buzz or series of taps and stop.  Repeat indefinitely.  For the sewer it’s to reposition the fabric and continue — especially when sewing short seams like in a quilt.  I’d imagine the woodpecker gets a headache from banging about on the trees trying to impress the females with his drumming.

Then the cat took a lot of naps.  At one point he stretched out to about twice his usual size and twisted his upper body to the east and the lower to the west as he laid on his back.  Cats must have the best backs of the universe.  I envy him his ability to twist about and not feel pain.  Sigh…if only humans had it so good.

We never figured out what animal was crashing about in the woods.  Usually when it’s deer you can see them as they move through the trees, but not today.  We’ve seen turkey, quail, possum, and hedgehogs but today it was just noises.

Picked more tomatoes from the garden and the butternut squash (since the vine was dead).  Lots more tomatoes ripening.  This was also a pretty good year for the garden.

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