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Time — musing spawned by the Corpus Clock

Time. Time has always been relative. Remember when you were young and summer was just this long season of lazy days filled with nothing to do but enjoy the time off from school? Remember when you wished every day that you were older so you could do whatever it is that you needed to be older for? Then you get older and you wish you could live those earlier times or ages again and appreciate every second of that time you wasted wishing to be in a different time.

Most of us are never in the now. Of course, we live in the now in reality, but in our minds, we either are replaying the past or fantasizing about the future. We think of those comebacks and things we should have done. We plan for the things that we hope to do and we ignore what is going on around us now. However, now is all we actually do have. We can, to some degree, plan our future.  But to get there we have to live each second as it comes. We are always in the now, which becomes the past as we move to the future. But to truly live, it must be now, today, this minute, this second.

We should try to pay attention to what is happening around us; to not put off what we can do now. Live fully each second. Or, as I like to say, Carpe Diem.

So, if you’re wondering what got me thinking about time and its effects on our lives, it’s because I heard about the The Corpus Clock & Chronophage. Here’s the YouTube video.

I totally love the idea of a bug that eats time. Once that time is gone it can’t come back — at least not until and unless we learn to master that fourth dimension and that’s not going to be anytime soon. So, make every second of your life count. Don’t waste time — and just for the record, watching a gorgeous sunrise or sunset, or looking at the shapes in clouds, star gazing, spending time with a friend, comforting someone in pain — are not time wasters. Life is what happens while you wait for something else — that’s wasting time. Be in the now and enjoy your life. Don’t miss it waiting for something else.

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