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Where do I get that day expander?

Coffee Time PosterThe problem with going to a convention or taking a vacation is that life just keeps on going while you’re gone. So, when you get back you don’t start fresh, you start about one thousand feet back from the starting line.

When we got back from Denver, we returned the car and picked up our mail. The mail came in two of those big white US Postal Service bins. That was in addition to the two trash cans filled with packages that UPS and FedEx delivered while we were gone. Then last night our neighbor dropped by with two bags of mail that they had received for us.

So, the upshot is that it’s taken me three days to find the top of my desk (which is the dining room table until the office area is done….not looking like it’s coming anytime soon) so we’ve been eating in the living room off trays. Today, I found the surface of the table. Yes, I achieved success in finding spots of the table. Hyperion can now sit on his side and see me without having to stand up to peer over books, mail, and other paper debris. I’m truly psyched by this.

If I can keep going on this schedule of working ten to eleven hours I day, I may finish off — clearing the full table. However, now that I can actually find some of it. I need to now switch gears to work on a project that I need to get done in the next week since I got the last piece of information that I need (sort of, I still need a few biographical paragraphs but basically the core information is now all available).

What does that mean? It means that I may be sporadic in my posting to this blog over the coming week. But after that I should be back on schedule. There has got to be a way to expand days so that you have extra time when you need it. Coffee does help keep me going and somewhat staves off brain-collapse but what I really need is a full day of work and then some extra time to unwind and just do what I want to refresh the mental circuitry. But I didn’t have that when I worked full time and I certainly don’t seem to have it now that I’m freelance. Why is that when you work for yourself you work even harder than when you worked for someone else — it’s not like I’m going to fire me if I take a break. It’s got to be one of those weird New Englander work ethic things that just crops up when you least expect it (same way I always have to have some project going or I can’t just sit and watch TV or a movie — somehow that feels like I’m a slacker). Hmmmm. I’m going to have to think about this some more.

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